Saturday, February 5, 2011


I went to an FRG meeting. Yay me! And I think I only inadvertently insulted one wife. That's not too bad.

My social awkwardness really makes going to these a, well, awkward chore. I know they need the support and I want to help out, I honestly do, but the whole climate just highlights all my antisocial habits. For example at the beginning of the meeting we go around and say who we are I was the third to go in front of me was the ombudsman and the captain's wife, who introduced themselves as such. It took a lot to bite my tongue and not say, "I'm Jennifer and I'm nobody" not in a depressed way or anything. More of a there-is-no-title-here sort of way. I just stopped at "Jennifer" just so there could be no misinterpretation and following "how are you feeling" sort of questions. I was actually kind of proud of myself for holding my tongue there. I was not as successful when the captain asked if we'd heard any rumors and I just couldn't stop myself from saying "got any good ones?" Ugh, I'm like a bad Ben Stiller movie. Maybe that's why I can't watch Meet The Parents all the way through.
Finally we get to the end of the meeting and I'm wearing my seven month old in my moby like wrap (it's actually an anaju wrap I love it) and a new mom with her three month old asks me about it and I tell her how awesome it is because it distributes the weight evenly across my back so I can carry him like that for a long time, but it takes some learning to learn how to wrap and it takes a few minutes to do it. Then I asked her how old her son was and commented on how tiny he is. Keep in mind my seven month old is a most of 25 pound monster. And she says "he's not tiny, he's big" So I backpedal and say "Oh, I'm just saying that because I carry this around all day" then she says "Oh, he's not big" and then she just walks away. Instinctively I went to follow before I stopped myself and realized she was probably trying to get away from me. Ah, to be a sensitive new mom. I remember those days, so I'm not too insulted.
After that I went to collect my girls, but they wanted to play with the other kids some more, so I let them and attempted to help with the single sailor bags. That's where we get an elementary school class to decorate some lunch sacks and we fill them with candy we brought. So I'm distributing candy and I see one that says "Thank you for all that you do. Pleez com bak in one pece" which I thought was really funny so I point it out to another wife who sort of ignored me or didn't hear me, could go either way. Then someone else pointed it out and everyone thought it was funny. Maybe I need to speak clearer, I don't know. In any case I'm definitely going now.
At least my girls had fun. I'll probably keep going to these as long as there is a babysitter just because they enjoy it so much.

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