Friday, February 25, 2011

Corporate Retreat

I've started calling it Corporate Retreat in the hopes that maybe I'll feel more civilian.
Nope, still hate it. My husband suggested taking out a 'forcible loan' from the bank but I told him that would put him on a 'federal retreat' if he was caught. Talking in bureaucrat language is kind of fun.
At any rate, my husband is now on, uh, his ocean retreat getaway. Yeah. And I'm on a sanity vacation. Woo hoo! Where's the bell tower?
I'm actually considering doing the Secret Pal this patrol. That's where the FRG connects you with another spouse and you send each other gifts and cards every couple of weeks and at the end of patrol you go to a little party for the reveal, though I'm not sure I understand the secret since they give you the other person's address and they, likewise, have yours. Maybe I'm missing something. Anyway, it would get me more involved with other wives and I'd get nice little things every couple of weeks. On the other hand it would give me new and exciting ways to alienate myself from even more people. Yeah, yeah. Maybe I'll make a friend, but let's be real, that isn't likely. I'm just too odd.
Speaking of which my husband and I went out to lunch with one of the other guys in his division and his french wife. It actually went pretty well even though I have three little ones and she's pregnant with her first. I thought we got along nicely. Well, until my husband pulls out this little gem "kids are like dogs. We should keep them in cages" He was half kidding half serious. Ugh, dammit. As if I didn't have enough problems keeping my own stupid mouth from spouting weird things off here comes my husband. I haven't heard from her since even with the promise off all our baby stuff. Ah, well.
Due to my current sanity vacation I suspect my posts are about to become more frequent and incoherent. For that I apologize in advance.

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