Monday, May 2, 2011

For Real? For Really Reals?

I had quite the adventure getting to the commissary yesterday and any of you who wandered onto your bases yesterday probably encountered the same thing.
I drove past the housing gate first and I was suspicious as soon as I noticed it was manned. No matter, I drove down to, let's call it the commissary gate for simplicity, and it was closed. That's odd. So down to the main gate I go, which is usually closed on Sundays. It was open and busy. Weird. I saw two different inspections going on and really really hoped they weren't going to do one on me, so when I pulled up and they asked "weapons or contraband?" I strongly resisted the urge to answer "just the biologics in the back" and point to the children. One day my smartass mouth is going to get me in trouble. I managed through without incident only to get lost. I felt pretty stupid. On the other hand I found an RV park on the water and an indoor pistol and rifle range and if I ever need to know where the weapon's facility is I can get to it. Bright side, see? I did get some odd looks from security who would drive past me and eye me suspiciously. Yes, I'm lost as hell and no I don't have weapons or contraband. I don't think.
I finally found my way to the commissary, which was really dead, and meandered in, stopped to look at the coupons and was id'd. Huh? Oh, yeah, hang on a minute here. What's going on? Oh, the base is on lock down. Well, that explains the gates, any idea why? Nope, no one knows.
I just assumed they were running drills of some sort.
I left and got id'd once more at the register. On my way out I noticed there were two different manned guard shacks through housing. Weird.
Despite all that I was really surprised when facebook exploded last night with the news "Bin Laden is dead!". Really? No way. So I looked it up and holy shit, they were right. Wow. I'm still in shock and while part of me is relieved he's been found, I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop. That hydra is going to sprout another head or two if it hasn't already. I hope the backlash isn't too nasty. I worry about everyone and all my military friends, but I'm also selfish and I'm fairly sure this is going to really screw up homecoming. Maybe it won't. Still, wow.


Missy0327 said...

LOL!!! Yeah I'm waiting for the backlash on this whole thing myself. It's awesome he is dead but there could be a bittersweetness to it because it might piss some people off!!

wolfcow said...

I'm mostly relieved that he was finally found, but it's not like he was Hitler or Sadam where you just kill him off and the rest dies. Al Qaeda was around before him and I'm not sure it will die without him. So I'm worried about the backlash now and who will replace him, but I know nothing of foriegn politics so maybe I shouldn't be worried.