Monday, April 11, 2011

Nonsensical Random Rant Time

Exactly what the title says. This has nothing to do with navy life other than possibly being a neurotic nuke wife, but that's kind of stretching it.
Onto the rant. Pop music. I hate you. I hate you lots. Katy Perry, I tried to like you. I really did. Your I Kissed A Girl was kind of cute, but I couldn't sit through it more than once all the way through before my brain started to melt and now you're unavoidable. My god, if I hear Firework in passing again my head is going to inadvertently meet with the wall in an impromptu drum session. I tried to listen to Teenage Dream, the song my friends were all hot over. I couldn't do it. My brain I tell you! My brain! I'm not that smart to start with I really can't tolerate much more melting. It's sad, too, because you're funny and cute and a little perverted, but your music blows.
Most of all I can not take nonsensical lyrics. Pop music's stand by is nonsensical lyrics. The most offensive song that sticks out in my mind is Train's Drops of Jupiter. They had me right up until "Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken" It gives me the famed Lewis Black aneurysm and all I can think about is what the fuck is deep fried chicken doing in this song? Why? WHY?!? If it weren't for my horse...
Alright, end rant. I suppose. Sorry this post is kind of silly and off topic, but freaking Katy Perry being totally unavoidable was starting to get to me...


Missy0327 said...

Hahaha!! I love her, and her music is random!!! I have to say I only have a few of her songs on my Ipod, because they have good beats to work out too!! Which means my brain is mush anyways when I'm working out, so non-sensical crap like that is easy to listen to.

wolfcow said...

I know! Everyone loves her. Except me. Her lyrics really aren't nonsensical, just a little stupidly obvious. Just shy of rebecca black obvious. The nonsensical lyrics was aimed more at other pop songs. Like fried chicken. ARGH! Fuck you fried chicken! What are you doing in that song?!? Really reminds me of this dilbert blog entry