Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stage: Manic?

At this point in patrol I'm beginning to wonder if I skipped stage: mopey and went straight to stage: manic.  Everything is frustrating. There were a couple of days that I was mopey, but then I went straight to this. Four to five hours of sleep a night isn't enough and I think that makes me a bit snappy. I'm constantly having to remind myself that my three year old is only three and she's not trying to piss me off. I must remember that. This gets a bit difficult when she's crying at me for the umpteenth time in a day for not getting her way or choosing not to listen to me or dragging butt on buckling herself in, etc. She's only three and I'm not getting enough sleep. Chant this until I don't feel like screaming
I told my six year old how proud I am of her for being such an awesome big sister and helping out and always trying her best. She tells me she has to always try her best because if she doesn't I'll write a bad email to daddy. Sure, and I thought I was just doing a great job with her but nooo daddy gets all the credit.
And then there's the baby always staggering his naps with his sister's so that I can't get one, too. And he's such a momma's boy always needing to be next to me and clinging to my leg and crying if I'm too near him and not picking him up.
This is not a good recipe for mommy's sanity which made our recent trip to the beach interesting.
My best friend sent me her son's flat stanley and I thought it'd be a good idea to take him to the beach and get pictures. Three kids at the beach by myself. I really should have thought that one out. However I did get some great pictures and the girls had a pretty good time. The bad is that my three year old was less cooperative than her usual not at all cooperative self and my six year old was having such a good time she forgot to listen to me. At least the baby wasn't too bad. Oh, and I lost my glasses. I must have dropped them at the beach and I was halfway out of the park before I realized I didn't have them (I was wearing my sunglasses). I headed back and looked everywhere. No dice. Glasses gone. I was not in a good mood. There goes $200 more. Maybe I should get contacts. This patrol is starting to get costly.


wolfcow said...

Shit! I found my glasses. Stupid beach bag. They were all wrapped up in my swimsuit which is a mystery since I didn't wear that.

Heidi said...

wolfcow! I'm navywife012609 from milspouse! I'm glad you have a blog since I'm just beginning this nuclear submariners wife life. fun stuff. :) I can't figure out how to subscribe though! :(

wolfcow said...

Hi! It is a unique life, for sure. At the top of the page next to the little magnifying glass search icon is the follow button.

Rebecca said...

Glad to hear that you found your glasses. Not fun not having them when you need them most. If you care to check out my blog the link is: