Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm Commited Now

I don't know why but this patrol I'm going to attend the FRG meetings. It is pretty odd to sit there and have awkward conversation with the ladies, but maybe if I stick with it it won't be so weird. For the most part they're friendly, but it's me that's wary. I'm constantly screening what I say in my head for offensive content and still something offensive will occasionally slip out, so I want to reiterate, it isn't their fault I'm awkward. That's me. I don't know how to start a conversation without saying something sarcastic or using my caustic sense of humor which will get me into trouble if I let it out.
On that note I did attend another FRG meeting. I didn't end up at the Wayne Manor, like I expected, but my six year old daughter did declare upon exiting our van that their house was waaay nicer than ours. Thanks sweetie.
Getting through the gate was an adventure and, apparently, I wasn't the only one. At first I overshot the little box I was supposed to scroll through, so I flipped around to get behind a couple of other cars. The car that was right behind me was headed to the same place and she could not get the thing to work, so the car behind her let her in and therefore, me. So I slipped in and there were lots of stories going around about how they got through the gate. The house was really nice. I found it after Tom Tom tried to take me to someone else's house on another street entirely. Stupid Tom Tom is out to get me.
My girls had lots of fun playing with the other kids. There was a room for the littler kids which is where my three year went and my six year old went with the older kids. That was nice. I just sort of hung out for awhile and tried not to be too obtrusive and wondered if they thought I was being rude by not jumping into a conversation when I was really worried it'd be rude if I did jump in. Or rather I was worried I'd say something offensive if I did or wouldn't be heard at all which is almost worse. A few of the ladies wanted to play with and make faces at my baby. He's so cute, but he would not be my performing monkey. "I'll bet he has a really nice smile" one would say. Yes, he does, but he'd rather stare at you. Sorry.
After awhile a couple of wives I know showed up and it made everything so much better. Finally I had people I could talk to.
Then it was card making time. One of the chief's son's was injured and they were having the kids make get well cards, but my girls didn't understand this concept. So while the card says "get well soon" it was made for daddy and plastered with pictures of them with daddy and "i love you" "I miss you". My six year old said she didn't know Marcus, so she didn't want to make him a card. Fair enough I suppose. I did try to explain that they would be making get well cards for someone who wasn't well before we got there. No matter.
Then the meeting started and it became obvious pretty quickly that there were the wives with kids and without. The withouts wanted to have nice get togethers where we dress up or go line dancing at a country bar. The withs were mostly opposed to this. Like me a lot of the withs don't have sitters and want babysitting at the events and meetings. I just sat back and waited to see how this would play out. Okay, maybe I made a smartass remark or two about how nice my dress would look with my baby carrier ensemble or how my pregnant friend could just bull ride the baby out. I don't think the withouts appreciated my remarks.
As I tried to leave the meeting I decided that maybe Tom Tom knew a better way out. Stupid me. Tom Tom took me to three dead end dark streets devoid of housing or anyone nearby who could hear me scream. I swear that thing is trying to get me robbed, raped, or murdered. "You have arrived at the site of your robbery. Please lock all doors and call the authorities when we are through" Stupid Tom Tom.
I did manage to get back out of there and get home, so I would call this last meeting a success.

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