Thursday, March 24, 2011

Helpless Woman Discount

The exterminator went as expected given that I've never used an exterminator before.  They sent over Roy and the name, of course, sends visions of big burly rapists to this paranoid part time single mom. But so would the name Tom or, god forbid, John. It turns out to be an older mormon gentleman. We draw up the contract and work out a once a month deal. While I'm signing papers he notices that I'm right handed and mentions how that's a good thing. I'm naturally confused so I ask why's that? And he says something about how left handed women are cukoo. On his way out I said something about mormons having lots of kids. He told me had 9. 
The next day he calls me up. It turns out he wasn't really a salesman, but a manager and his price for my yard was waaaaay off. Taking care of the fire ants in my yard wasn't going to be $350 it was going to be $1600. Nevermind. I don't like it that much outside anyway. He said he was really sorry and he told me how to get rid of them and what stuff to buy.
Lucky for me I have helpless woman discount working in my favor. The exterminator came by the next day and while treating the outside of the house he took care of my widdows at no extra charge (those are supposed to be extra) and instead of laying down the 5lbs of granules for the ants he was supposed to (and that's what he wrote on his sheet) he actually laid down 20lbs treating 15ft past our swing set. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
While I'm very grateful for the helpless woman discount, also boo to being a helpless woman. He came back from outside and said "Wow, lady. You have got some spiders!" "Yeah, I know! Did you see the giant one about THIS big" "Are you sure it wasn't this big?" Ugh, yes I'm sure. Do you want the picture?
Oh, and I had to take our van in to get serviced. Three kids to the dealership. Whee! While I was there I asked about getting another pair of headphones for the dvd systems. Lifesaver, by the way. They keep so quiet while watching a movie back there. Anyway, headphones are $120 dollars he finds out. Then he sort of whispers "hey go to this place. They can get it for you for cheaper." and writes down a local place's name and phone number for me. Yay, helpless woman discount.


Steph said...

I love the helpless woman discount! (but don't like being helpless) It's amazing when we realize just how much we depend on our men. Though I am proud to say that I have learned how to maintain our vehicle, change the air filters in the house, kill bugs (I normally run away wailing at the top of my lungs), and even do some outdoor gardening.

ps. you are now being followed.. that sounds so wrong!

wolfcow said...

So I am. Sort of gives it that stalkerish feel.
I'm always learning how to do stuff I should have always known how to do during deployments. Our last deployment was driving. Always living on base made it pretty easy to skip that since I could walk to the store and doctor inside of 15 minutes. Not anymore. Now I live in the boonies. Maybe this patrol I'll figure out the lawn mower. Last patrol I sort of crashed it in the garage after confusing the brake and gas pedals. Did I mention I'm new to driving and clumsy? Because I am. I really really am.