Friday, January 6, 2012

Foot In Mouth Disease

Now I'm not entirely sure, but I think I might have a bad rep amongst the other wives. Every time I just about have myself convinced that I'm imagining it, something will happen to make me certain that I'm not. Now it could be that a lot of the wives are younger in their early 20's and the others are older officer wives with grown kids and a career and I just have trouble relating as a stay at home mom at 30, though there are a few of us on the boat.

That being said there is one wife who I'm certain I must have offended at some point, but I just can't recall when. I do that a lot. I open my mouth and I say stupid shit. It could be the time I made a joke about my kids not matching at an FRG picnic "like any good navy wife" I believe I said. Or maybe I said something about her baby. Or maybe I said something about anal at some point (I wouldn't put it past me). Or maybe she's a real lady and doesn't like my crass attitude. I dunno. What I do know is that she seems really awkward around me, gives me funny looks when I say "hello", seems to ignore me when possible,  and I have been taken off her facebook, though with the new timeline I can now see exactly what it is I'm not supposed to see when other friends comment on her, I just don't have it on my wall. I'll bet she'll want to fix that when she finds out.  I guess it doesn't bother me too much. I understand that I'm a little much for some people (see above) and I'm okay with that it's just confusing when she sends a polite note my way "Like, oh look, it is all in your head!" only to follow that up with more awkwardness.

Then there's the rest. There are a lot of great ladies in our FRG and they are really sweet and nice people, but I get the feeling that I'm getting the "oh look, there's that wife who says things she really should have kept to herself" vibe off some of them. And that's understandable, I do say stupid shit. I just can't help myself and sometimes I'll meet someone else who understands that and we'll be friends but sometimes I feel like I should probably lock myself in the house and not force others to endure my little quirks. Mostly so I can avoid the inevitable moment when I go "Gah! I really shouldn't have explained the penis showing game to a bunch of wives! What the hell was I thinking when I said that?!?" So it's really no wonder I get some looks. They are all really great and it's not their fault that I act like I have a severe case of Inappropriate Anecdote Tourette's every time I'm in a social situation.